Saya terpaksa mendahulukan artikel ini kerana saya merasakan ianya penting dalam kehidupan bagi indvidu yang hidup bergantung kepada duit ‘Makan Gaji’ . Maklumat yang akan disampaikan ini menunjukkan sebab kenapa pekerja tidak selamat jika bergantung kepada pinggan nasi yang dibuat daripada besi.
Pemberhentian Kerja Oleh Syarikat Perkapalan Terbesar Di Dunia.
Maersk mengurangkan bilangan pekerjanya sebanyak 3,000 orang dalam proses menstruktur semula organisasinya
Ramai pekerja dari peringkat bawahan sehingga atasan berada dalam dilema. Takut mereka yang akan dipancung (Dibuang). Ini kerana jika mereka yang terpilih, sudah pasti mereka menghadapi masalah besar iaitu bebanan komitmen bulanan. Ansuran rumah, kereta, kad kredit, belanja kos sara hidup dan sebagainya. Anda lebih memahami apa yang saya cuba terangkan disini. Gambarkan jika anda yang menjadi pekerja Maersk.
Jika mereka telah menguasai kewangan diri…sudah pasti mereka mengalu-alukan pakej skim pemberhentian sukarela atau VSS!!!
Ini yang berlaku seperti di dalam buku ‘Makan Gaji Tetapi Kaya’ di mana Bom Jangka Pekerja Maersk Meletup’
Jadikan pengajaran yang berlaku kepada syarikat perkapalan terbesar sebagai iktibar kepada kita. Syarikat Besar, terbesar, kukuh, paling untung semuanya tidak dapat memberikan jaminan untuk selama-lamanya. Satu-satunya yang teguh, kukuh dan kekal selama-lamanya adalah Tuhan yang memiliki dan memelihara sekelian alam.
Di kala masih ada kesempatan, pastikan diri anda bersedia menghadapi dilema ini dengan menyediakan ‘back up’. Jumlah wang yang perlu ada dalam tabung simpanan kecemasan adalah seperti berikut :
Bagi kakitangan swasta, jumlah minimun adalah menyamai 6 bulan wang gaji ataupun lebih. Bergantung kepada jawatan dan bidang yang anda ceburi itu. Jika anda memerlukan 9 bulan bagi mendapatkan pekerjaan lain, maka anda perlu mempunyai wang simpanan kecemasan menyamai 10 bulan.
Kaedah di atas hanya memberikan anda jaminan ataupun perlindungan sementara iaitu untuk beberapa bulan sahaja. Sebaiknya anda mencipta pendapatan kedua, ketiga… bagi mengelakkan anda daripada terus dibebani dengan masalah akibat kehilangan pekerjaan.
Ataupun jika anda ingin berdikari, mulakan langkah pertama bagi menceburi dalam bisnes dengan mencari mentor.
Teruskan membaca informasi di bawah supaya maklumat yang ingin disampaikan oleh saya difahami dengan jelas.
Updated January 8, 2008
Maersk Line will cut 8 percent to 12 percent of its global workforce, decentralize its management into smaller regional teams, and split its container operations into three different divisions in an effort to improve profitability, the company said Tuesday.
The long-anticipated reorganization is aimed at cutting costs by reducing middle management and simplifying the company’s structure, said Chief Executive Eivind Kolding in a conference call Tuesday morning.
“We have lost focus,” Kolding said. “We are today 10 times the size we were 10 years ago, but we have lost the way we execute the business and the way we operate today does not conform to our present size.”
In order for Maersk Line to concentrate on its core business of container shipping, its container inland services including trucking, rail, and stevedoring and logistics activities under Maersk Logistics and Damco are being separated from the Maersk Line organization.
In addition, Maersk Line’s global structure will be reduced from 14 regions to 11.
Kolding said the so-called Streamline project has four main goals:
— Filling Maersk Line ships with profitable cargo;
— Providing the most reliable product for its customers;
— Providing a faster, more responsive service closer to customers;
— Reducing the line’s complexity and cost.
Kolding said the company will cut 2,000 to 3,000 of 25,000 total jobs in Maersk Line, excluding the new logistics and inland container services divisions.
“The main element is reducing our regional organizations into smaller teams and pushing decision-making out to the countries – closer to the customers,” Kolding said.
In an interview with The Journal of Commerce, Kolding said, “We haven’t determined how many jobs will be cut in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world because we are still working on the final details of the reorganization.” Those details are expected to be finalized by April.”We have already started the process,” he said. “We started some initiatives in the U.S. late last year, but we are also talking to people now about when their jobs will disappear. Some will hopefully take other positions. It will take some time before we reach the goal posts.”Kolding said the company would report a “net positive result,” for 2007, although he termed it “far from satisfactory” without disclosing estimates. He said Maersk Line will provide guidance on its 2008 profits at the time it announces its 2007 results in March.
The new strategy is based on comprehensive analyses over the past six months of Maersk Line’s organization and feedback from customers. As reported in The Journal of Commerce Online (Dec. 21), a new management team has been established to oversee the container business.
The management reorganization is expected to be completed by April, but the overhaul of the process and information systems needed to improve the line’s yield management and vessel utilization will continue into 2009 and possibly into 2010, Kolding said.
The new management board of Maersk Line, which was announced simultaneously with the press conference, is made up of Kolding; Hanne B. Sorensen, chief commercial officer; Michel Deleuran, head of network and product; Morten Engelstoft, chief operating officer; Soren Laungaard, chief process officer and head of customer service; Peter Ronnest Andersen, chief financial officer, and William S. Allen, human resources chief.
Kolding said if Maersk had the same cost structure, type of cargo and utilization rates as Singapore’s APL it would have made more than $5.5 billion in profit in the past three years instead of the $2 billion it actually booked.
The carrier posted net profit of $25 million on container shipping in the first nine months of 2007 compared with a year-earlier loss of $698 million, driven mainly by strong growth in volumes on the Asia-Europe trade and a modest gain in freight rates across its global liner network.The reorganization comes after Maersk parent A.P. Moller-Maersk announced a major management change in June, appointing former Carlsberg CEO Nils Smedegaard Andersen to succeed Jess Soderberg, who was retiring as chief executive two years sooner than planned.
Terima kasih kepada Mr. Yim (Salah seorang daripada Sifu saya) yang menyumbangkan artikel di atas.